Cluster Alpha Dermis rules
Posted by: grumpycattt
Posted 4 days ago
Alpha Tourney
No uploading dermis or moving to another base spot. This will cause your tribe to be disqualified for the remainder of the season.
The attacking tribe has to inform admins they have taken the dermis. (Must be immediately taken to main base and placed by your dermis)
No teaming allowed for Alphas
Two alpha tribes are NOT allowed to merge. If two alpha tribes want to merge one tribes dermises will be removed
Tribe name must be the same across all maps. If you plan to change tribe name it must be registered with admins first.
Collected dermises must remain in your main base and not spread out across all your bases. (Pick 1 base to be your Alpha Base location and all dermis collected must remain there until wiped)
Every base you own must have a dermis placed. (Base consists of 3000+ turrets that is not a fob)